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Acai Berry: The Healthiest Choice Trending Now

Acai Berry: The Healthiest Choice Trending Now

Acai is one of the trendiest foods plus a superfood. It is not just aesthetically appealing like you might have noticed when you saw I all over Instagram! But it has uncountable benefits too. The beautiful and bright purple bowls have so many nutrients that a bowl a day will keep most of your health problems away. It is endorsed by many well-known celebrities and it is also known as the “miracle fruit”. You can also find millions of acai recipes out there to customise it as you like. Tuckshop loves to have a soulful frozen bowl of acai, trust us when we say that you can’t differentiate between it and ice cream!

But what is acai really? Let us walk you through it. This amazing little, round dark purple berry grows on acai palm trees and is not so sweet but a little earthy too. A fun fact here is that even though it is classified as a berry, it is not actually a berry but a drupe. It’s a mix between a chocolate and a berry. As it has short shelf life, it is not easily available and you will mostly find frozen fruit puree such as Tuckshop’s premium acai sorbet which is available in different sizes.

Acai has amazing nutrients and is extremely low in calories. The low sugar content and glycemic index does not let your blood sugar spike and aids in healthy digestion. There are wholesome saturated fats and a combination of omega 3-6-9 fatty acids which provides great energy and benefits your skin, hair, eyes and metabolism! It will also help you feel fuller for longer so that you don’t binge eat on other snacks.

The antioxidants that acai is rich in helps to neutralize free radicals that enter the body when someone has a poor diet. By doing that, acai helps in reversing the damage and saving you from aging, body pains, skin diseases, diabetes and issues of the heart. It also improves brain function and boosts cognitive skills.

Lets move on to acai bowls: the trendy pictures of which keep circulating social media. It’s a thick smoothie served in a bowl, and Tuckshop now offers a free coconut bowl and spoon with every 2.5l of acai! There are so many different recipes that you can try with acai bowls: banana berry acai bowl, cinnamon spice cookie acai bowl, autumn acai bowl, berry beet acai bowl, and so many more, it all depends on your innovation! There are other breakfast recipes available too like puddings and smoothies combined with chia seeds and Greek yogurt or oats. You can also make plenty of desserts out of it like cherry acai ice cream or cheesecake, fudge or coconut and acai latte! The possibilities are endless!

If you want o try any of these and are very tempted, visit Tuckshop and get a range of different acai products. From premium frozen sorbets to acai pops, we have it all! Grab them now and start trying out new recipes. We make it easier with our never ending offers on acai because we love it so much. We also get it delivered to your doorstep in Tuck Lee Ice’s trucks.

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